
The Adjustment of the Oboe and English Horn is available as a 136-page clothbound hardcover, designed and illustrated by Mark Argetsinger (Holyoke, Massachusetts).

Puritan Press (Hollis, New Hampshire) printed the text and its approximately 50 color illustrations on high-quality, archival paper.  The sewn binding has been designed to be long-lasting, pliable and durable.  View the binding process at vimeo.com/818034441

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To purchase a copy, contact a retailer identified below:

In the United States

Mark Chudnow Woodwinds (Napa, California): mcwoboe.com

Forrests Music (Berkeley, California): forrestsmusic.com

RDG Woodwinds (Pasadena, California): rdgwoodwinds.com

Hannah’s Oboes (Mesa, Arizona): hannahsoboes.com

Midwest Musical Imports (Minneapolis, Minnesota): mmimports.com

Chemical City Reeds (Baton Rouge, Louisiana): chemicalcityreeds.com

Double or Nothing Reeds (Cincinnati, Ohio): DNReeds.com

Ugly Duckling Oboes (Savannah, Georgia): uglyducklingoboes.com

Hodge Products (Roseland, Virginia): hodgeproductsinc.com

Kristin Bertrand Woodwind Workshop (Queens, New York): woodwindworkshop.com

Oboe Cane & Reeds (Wellesley, Massachusetts): oboecaneandreeds.com

Charles Double Reed Company (White Mountains, New Hampshire): charlesmusic.com

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In Europe

Oboe-Shop.de (Germany): oboe-shop.de

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In Australia & New Zealand

Oboe Central (Victoria): oboecentral.com.au